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Orchestrate the clean energy grid

Introducing GridOS the first grid software portfolio designed for grid orchestration.


Expanded collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) helps utilities move to the cloud

First-of-a-kind solutions for transmission and distribution utilities have been jointly delivered. Learn how New Zealand-based Vector Limited successfully demonstrates use of GE Digital’s Advanced Distribution Management System on AWS Outposts.

GE Digital

Modern software approach to orchestrate a grid built for change

The grid needs a modern approach to software, with an innovative architecture designed to accelerate innovation and grid modernization, transforming yesterday's grid into one that is built for the changes ahead. Introducing GridOS, the first software portfolio designed for grid orchestration and focused on helping electric utilities transition to a clean energy grid.

Partner Ecosystem to Accelerate Grid Orchestration

GE Digital gridos ecosystem

GE’s partner ecosystem is the only grid modernization practice designed for grid orchestration, bringing together global solution integrators and hyperscalers to help utilities advance IT and OT alignment, adopt hybrid cloud, develop new applications on the GridOS platform, and accelerate transformation to a scalable and flexible grid built for change.

GE Digital Gridos partner logos

Software designed to help grid operators orchestrate the grid

GridOS is the first grid orchestration software that brings together energy data, network modeling, and AI-driven analytics across the grid to power a suite of composable applications from GE, utilities, and expert partners that help utilities orchestrate an integrated, flexible and secure clean energy grid.  Learn how GridOS architecture is designed to help orchestrate the grid.

GridOS platform and application suite supports end-to-end grid orchestration and market operations across transmission and distribution

Zero Trust security model

Built-in, not bolted-on to help protect resources from inside and outside threats.

Federated grid data fabric

Eliminate enterprise data silos with a common transmission and distribution network model to enable a grid digital twin.

A suite of intelligent grid applications

Bring AI and machine learning into the control room for proactive and automated grid management.

Protect your network with a Zero Trust security model built in

The electrical grid is more exposed to cyber threats because of the increase in connected technology, convergence of IT/OT, cloud services, and mobile workforces.  Networks will have to protect against millions of endpoints and Zero Trust is the security model that scales and protects.

What does this all mean for you?

GE Digital gridos security

Improve Security

Utilities are seeing ~1,100 cyberattacks weekly. Strengthen your OT security posture through GridOS, engineered with Zero Trust cybersecurity principles.

GE Digital gridos speed

Accelerate Time-to-value

Deployment automation enables quicker system builds. We are enabling customers to move away from lengthy upgrades towards continuous updates.

GE Digital gridos spend

Optimize Spend

For large grids with high renewables penetration, it is possible to avoid up to 40% (~$150M/year) in inertia management costs.

GE Digital gridos sustainability

Increase Sustainability

Help seamlessly manage clean energy grids with up to 70% renewables penetration.


The development of microservices architectures and evolving perspectives are fostering an environment in which hybrid cloud deployments are becoming the norm, with data processing and analytics applications being delivered in the cloud while still providing the option to maintain command and control applications on-premises.

To accelerate operational excellence, cloud technologies and hybrid cloud deployments are critical success factors. For utilities, it is essential to engage with a cloud technology partner that has utility specific domain expertise.

Latest news and updates


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    GE Reports on GridOS® Orchestration Software Launch

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Let one of our experts show you how GE can help accelerate your energy transition and deliver a clean energy grid.

Speak with a utility software expert about what Grid Software solutions can do for you.

Call us at 1-833-690-5552.