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GridOS® Orchestration Software and Partner Ecosystem

GridOS is the first grid orchestration software portfolio to bring together an innovative platform, intelligent application suite, and expert partner ecosystem.

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Protect your network with a Zero Trust security model built in

The electrical grid is more exposed to cyber threats because of the increase in connected technology, convergence of IT/OT, cloud services, and mobile workforces. Networks will have to protect against millions of endpoints and Zero Trust is the security model that scales and protects.

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Reliable. Sustainable. Secure.

Grid Software for Electric Utilities

The grid has reached an inflection point. Decarbonization and electrification have introduced new complexities and unpredictability to the grid, with demand for renewable sources of energy, the proliferation of millions of distributed energy resources (DERs) and an increase in threats from severe weather events to cyber attacks.  To deliver clean energy and proactively address these complexities across the grid, utilities need an end-to-end software portfolio/solution that can break down silos between transmission, distribution, and grid endpoints to improve grid orchestration.


That’s where GE’s GridOS Orchestration Software can help. With a modern architecture that brings together energy data, network modeling, and AI-driven analytics across the grid to power a suite of composable applications from GE, utilities, and partners.


Explore how GridOS powers the modern grid

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A common distribution and transmission model to enable a true digital twin for electric grids while delivering network-level optimization with advanced analytics powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning.

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Enable your grid to connect, see, control, and optimize both front and behind-the-meter distributed energy resources (DERs) alongside traditional grid components.

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Facilitate market energy trading and benefit from new business models and revenue streams by unlocking the economic value of DERs and renewable assets.

GE Digital grid product whitepapers

Discover more about our products and the energy market we operate in

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Count on GE Digital to join you on your energy transition journey

Learn more about grid orchestration software solutions to orchestrate a clean energy grid

GE customers experience 18% less network outages and realize 40% faster restoration times to keep the lights on for their customers.*

Speak with a utility software expert about what Grid Software solutions can do for you.

Call us at 1-833-690-5552.

*Data source from Annual Electric Power Industry Report, Form EIA-861, October 2022, results based on utilities in the United States that have 1.25 million customers or more. Reliability data reflects average SAIDI and SAIFI with MEDs.